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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
-o707o7 ♥ Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
science centre trip today. =) 

this is the BIG dino that you will see when you are outside science centre.
and it will move it's head and tail!

next is this cow inside with aircon~ haha. mooo~

next is this exhibition about humans. actuali there's others.. but i didnt take any photos. haha.


and.. i got this pretty flower balloon~  =) haha. nice..

thats all for today excursion..

i have another 2 pics which me, yutian and audrey went to attend jinyao's bday..

yutian.. with her short hair.. haha..
-o707o7 ♥ Saturday, January 10, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
- me and dardar -
-o707o7 ♥ Monday, January 05, 2009
its already 5th day of 2009. 

time really passes so fast! and another year pass by. everyone started another chapter of their life. schooling, working or NS... 

and my vacations are starting to FLY past.. another 3 days to sch again.. hai. and my timetable really.. sucks. haha. cos half of my sat have to go sch.. but lucky was in the morning.

dardar took leave last week.. and we went shopping twice! haha. but i didnt bought anything much. hai.. haha. 
on sat... we went malaysia early in the morning to attend dar's cousin wedding.. hmm. morning was the chinese traditional customs.. but they got light 鞭炮.. which we really rarely or dont even see in singapore.. but i didnt get to see it due to some supersituous. haha.. BUT it was damn loud. lOlx. scaring.. haha.. we went shopping in the afternoon too.. there's a new shopping mall like vivocity.. BIG..haha.. quite alot of international stalls, levis, converse etc.. the prices are around the same as it is in singapore after conversation..only a few bucks cheaper bah.. but dar bought a levis shirt.. and his bro bought a jeans! around 110bucks plus sing dollars! LOL! if my mum sure dont wan buy for me de. haha.. den dardar also bought another adidas shirt. i choose de.. haha! NICE lo. =) next time take photo.and he also got another shorts.. around 40bucks plus sing dollars.. haha.. and all the clothings he got are all in white! haha. later dirty i cant help much. =x 
hmm. after that we were slacking at one of his a-yi house.. around 7plus going 8 den we go to the restaurant. and headed back to singapore around 10plus at night. it was a tiring day. lolz.

enough about all the blogging.. hmmm.. my new year resolutions..
- get better results in my studies then last sem
- look for a good job during my 2nd year of studies
- earn more money and saving it of course
- able to own a car with dardar by the end of this year (=x if i can)
- good health to everyone
- me and dardar~~ together to never ending. heex
-o707o7 ♥ Monday, January 05, 2009
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Pisces & Taurus

They get along perfectly! The poetic, sensitive Fish seeks ways to make the Taurean happy, in exchange for the tenderness and security he needs. They enjoy going out together as well as the intimacy of their home. Their physical love is alchemical, spiritual, and intense. The Bull's practical side helps the Pisces to accomplish the projects bubbling up in his or her imagination; a quality which the stolid Taurus needs to lighten his sometimes monotonous life. The outlook for love is promising.

i got nth better to do. =x surfing net in office and trying to keep myself awake!
-o707o7 ♥ Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happie birthday to Audrey today!
Okay, finally i realise i had not been updating my blog for a while. haha. cos i got nth to update toOo. been slacking at home since after my exam ended. and was youtubing all the way. =)) catching up on all my showSSs. haha.
today me and audrey went to yutian's hse in the morning. it was suppose to pass some shows to them. and me and drey had bought breakfast/lunch to yutian's hse. and also visit yutian after she had took out her wisdom tooth.
the cake above was what we had bought for audrey for a small celebration. we will get to eat our steamboat buffet after yutian is able to eat!

Yupp. Up next, i had a job as a temp receptionist. =)
had 2 days of training, ytd and today. It was quite fun. first time had this kind of job. dont mind trying. =)) and i will be working from tmr full time until 15dec.

and today is also the release of exam results day! haha. so glad it was over. had 2 distinction and a credit. NOT A VERY GOOD ONE. but i will work hard for the next sem!!
-o707o7 ♥ Thursday, December 04, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
19th Nov. My sis birthday~



Christmas Lighting along Orchard road. Nice. haha.
ytd went dinner with audrey and yutian.
at first wanna eat zhen fa hou at thomson road. BUT.. tons of ppl queue-ing up. >.< and we were damn hungry. gave up the idea. haha. then we headed to taka for seoul garden. its been a long time since we eat seoul garden. haha.

NICE and FULL. lOlx.
i am looking for a job job.. why no job!!
-o707o7 ♥ Friday, November 21, 2008
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